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Sixcia Devine, the founder of Caritas Smile, takes the stage at TEDx Boca Raton 2024.


Empowering You to Lead with Generosity First: LatinX Keynote Speaker Sixcia Devine

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Keynote Topics
Leadership | Entrepreneurship | Social Responsibility | Humanitarian 






1. What inspired you to create Caritas Smile, and how did it evolve into the Take a Trip Change a Life program?

Sixcia: A few years ago, I realized that status and material things weren’t enough for true joy, happiness, and fulfillment. When we give to others, we’re also giving to ourselves—it's a mirror effect. "Caritas" means baby face in Spanish and smile, symbolizing happiness and innocence. Caritas Smile was born when my son, my mother, and I traveled to the Dominican Republic and spontaneously surprised children with toys during the holidays (3 Kings day). Their joy was transformative. From there, we expanded into providing health resources, and eventually, we added adventure tours and wellness activities for those who travel with us. It’s a blend of service, joy, and personal growth.


2. How does the Take a Trip, Change a Life experience differ from traditional service travel programs?

Sixcia: What makes our program special is the personal connection. We interview everyone who travels with us to ensure the experience is a great fit, not just for the traveler but also for the communities we serve. It’s a competitive process because we want to keep the group intimate and impactful. We only take 12 people per trip, allowing us to create meaningful relationships and personalized experiences that can’t be replicated by large-scale programs.


3. What impact have you seen in the communities you serve, and how does it affect the travelers themselves?

Sixcia: Seeing the direct impact of our efforts is life-changing. You don’t just visit a place; you become a part of it. Whether it's building homes, providing essential health resources, or even sharing a simple meal with the locals, you leave a lasting imprint on the community. And in return, it changes you. It’s like a ripple effect—you go home with a new sense of purpose, knowing you’ve made a real difference in someone’s life.


4. Can you share a memorable story or experience from one of the trips that captures the essence of Caritas Smile’s mission?

Sixcia: There are so many unforgettable moments! One that stands out is the smiles on the children’s faces when they received toys unexpectedly during the holidays. Their joy was pure and overwhelming. I shared some of these stories during my TEDx talk, where you can hear more about how these small acts of kindness can create profound change. [Click here to watch my TEDx Talk!]


5. What kind of participants are you looking for, and how can someone get involved with the program?

Sixcia: We’re looking for people who seek more than just travel—they’re looking for service, adventure, and wellness. Our ideal participants are those who want to make a difference in others’ lives while also giving back to themselves with self-love and respect. It’s a transformational journey, blending leadership with servant leadership principles. Corporations and organizations are also invited to customize experiences for their employees, as these trips double as leadership programs that can foster growth and team-building.


6. What do you hope the future holds for Caritas Smile and the Take a Trip, Change a Life initiative?

Sixcia: The future is bright! We’re expanding into new countries and seeking ambassadors to help spread our mission of service and generosity. Generosity has the power to change the world, and with more ambassadors, we can inspire global acts of kindness and transformation. [Click here to learn more about becoming an ambassador!]

From My Blog


To our YouTube channel and join the conversation with Sixcia, a dynamic speaker, author, tech educator, and social entrepreneur!



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eWomen Network Conference
Rhode Island Hispanic Chamber of Commerc


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Thank you Sixcia Devine for your espectacular participation as Keynote Speaker at the most important Latino Business event of the year "Cafe con Leche". It was a truly honor to have you on stage. You are our local expert with national scope!!  Your inspiring presentation and your humanitarian touch was wonderful. Looking forward to keeping working, learning and inspiring the Latino Community in Rhode Island.

The RI Hispanic Chamber
Annual Conference


"Miss Sixcia was at the Cox building in Atlanta today for a Hispanic business conference where I had the pleasure of being a part of her workshop. The workshop was extremely informative and inspired me to do more marketing online for my own small business. FANTÁSTICO!"

  Rick Malsnee
Atlanta, GA

Culture and business pics of

"I had the pleasure of attending Sixcia's Grow with Google seminar in Cranston, RI . She was engaging, informative and most importantly, prepared. She never lost the audience or lost sight of them. The information was relevant and very helpful to those of us embarking on new ventures in small business. I recommend attending any presentation Sixcia is speaking at and encourage event organizers to book her as a presenter.
Gracias Sixcia!"

Brian Boragine 
Cranston, Rhode Island


"Sixcia came over to Salve Regina's Center for Business Outreach to speak to students about Entrepreneurship, Starting A Non-Profit and Interview Prep. Her personal story was inspiring and her passion for her work made everyone want to strive to help others. She spoke to seven classes and never missed a beat! She was a terrific speaker and we hope to have her back soon."

Stacey Carter

Newport, RI

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